RT @EEEE1963: 'One app to trace them all? Examining app specifications for mass acceptance of contact-tracing apps' by Simon Trang, Manuel…
'One app to trace them all? Examining app specifications for mass acceptance of contact-tracing apps' by Simon Trang, Manuel Trenz, Welf H. Weiger, Monideepa Tarafdar & Christy M.K. Cheung in the European Journal of Information Systems @TheORSociety
Read 'One app to trace them all? Examining app specifications for mass acceptance of contact-tracing apps' by Simon Trang, Manuel Trenz, Welf H. Weiger, Monideepa Tarafdar & Christy M.K. Cheung in the European Journal of Information Systems: https://t.
RT @RichPubOnline: Just published: @w11 and @CheungMeiKwan's latest research poses the question: "How should tracing apps be specified to a…
Great to see this latest EJIS paper is attracting so much interest. 👇
Just published: @w11 and @CheungMeiKwan's latest research poses the question: "How should tracing apps be specified to achieve mass acceptance"? Practical implications for policy makers in the discussion: https://t.co/6JcJVQOM9t #covid19 #TrackAndTrace #da
RT @uniGoettingen: Weltweit werden Corona-Warn-Apps entworfen und angeboten. Aber wie sollten sie gestaltet sein, damit auch möglichst viel…
RT @uniGoettingen: Weltweit werden Corona-Warn-Apps entworfen und angeboten. Aber wie sollten sie gestaltet sein, damit auch möglichst viel…
RT @uniGoettingen: Weltweit werden Corona-Warn-Apps entworfen und angeboten. Aber wie sollten sie gestaltet sein, damit auch möglichst viel…
RT @uniGoettingen: Weltweit werden Corona-Warn-Apps entworfen und angeboten. Aber wie sollten sie gestaltet sein, damit auch möglichst viel…
Erstautor der Studie ist Prof. Simon Trang, Ko-Autoren sind Prof. Manuel Trenz und Prof. Welf Weiger von unserer Fakultät. #wiwiunigoe #COVID19 #CoronaWarnApps
Weltweit werden Corona-Warn-Apps entworfen und angeboten. Aber wie sollten sie gestaltet sein, damit auch möglichst viele Menschen sie nutzen? Das hat ein internationales Team unter Leitung unserer Uni untersucht. https://t.co/PFDLsbqVt0 https://t.co/vgbIA
RT @uniGoettingen: How to achieve mass acceptance with a Covid-19 tracing app? We know how vital this is to get us through #coronaviruspand…
RT @uniGoettingen: How to achieve mass acceptance with a Covid-19 tracing app? We know how vital this is to get us through #coronaviruspand…
RT @tandfnewsroom: Governments urgently need to understand public priorities before they roll out #trackandtrace, new study shows 📲 @Lanca…
RT @tandfnewsroom: Governments urgently need to understand public priorities before they roll out #trackandtrace, new study shows 📲 @Lanca…
Research about the acceptance of #COVID19 tracing apps by Prof. Simon Trang and Prof. Manuel Trenz (et al.) of our business informatics group. #wiwiunigoe #TracingApp
How to achieve mass acceptance with a Covid-19 tracing app? We know how vital this is to get us through #coronaviruspandemic - so why are they failing in some countries? https://t.co/3H112VamSV https://t.co/vgbIA2oNjt https://t.co/Z7y5qFVvWe
RT @TheORSociety: A new study shows that governments urgently need to understand public priorities before they roll out #trackandtrace. Fin…
A new study shows that governments urgently need to understand public priorities before they roll out #trackandtrace. Find out more here:
Governments urgently need to understand public priorities before they roll out #trackandtrace, new study shows 📲 @LancasterUni @uniGoettingen experts find for many people privacy is not their main concern - despite general perceptions https://t.co/azHRw